
Love Grows Here



Yadah, Yadah Book Club is a woman’s book club.  We meet the first Wednesday each month at 9:30 a.m. to discuss the current book selection and get to know one another.

If you like to read and talk, as well as make some great friends, we welcome you to join our group!

For more information, please call Gay Weber at 303-452-1723.


The Cuddle Makers make small quilts with stuffed bears and lap robes.  They donate all of them to hospitals, nursing homes, and victim advocacy centers.  Or, you may purchase one for $45.00 which helps them to purchase more supplies like thread, needles, batting, material, etc.

For more information on how to get involved with this fun and important ministry, please call Joyce Priest at 303-452-1412.

Our Men's Coffee Fellowships are wonderful opportunities to get to know each other and have the delightful chance to try and solve the problems of the world and sometimes the church.

We look forward to our gatherings (twice a week) on Wednesday and Thursday at 9:00 a.m. in the NUMC Fellowship Hall building (1551 West 106th Avenue, Northglenn, CO).

BYOC:  Bring Your Own Coffee

The women of NUMC meet once a month (usually the first Thursday) at 4:00 p.m.

Please contact the church office if you'd like to be added to the contact list.